• Fiber-optic products


Actualités DIAMOND

Diamond participe à de nombreux salons professionnels et conférences techniques dans le monde entier. Par ailleurs, nous organisons et participons à des ateliers consacrés à l’émergence de nouvelles idées et à la découverte de nouvelles opportunités dans le domaine de la fibre optique.


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High performance for Space vacuum applications

We are excited to announce the latest innovation in our AVIM® product family: the Mini AVIM® PSt adapter, designed specifically for high-power…

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Introducing Ultra-Low Loss Fiber Optic Connectors

DIAMOND SA has set a new benchmark in fiber optic connectivity with the development of its ultra-low loss (ULL) fiber optic connectors. Leveraging…

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Announcing the New DIAMOND CMC-8 

We are pleased to introduce the DIAMOND CMC-8, our latest innovation in fiber optic connectivity. Designed to meet the demanding needs of today's…

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Validation of the Mini AVIM® APC PM Space Grade Connector

Diamond SA continues its commitment to deliver superior quality and reliability in our products, especially for critical space applications.…

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Mini AVIM® ESA Re-Qualification

We are pleased to announce that DIAMOND's Mini AVIM® connector has been re-certified as a qualified space grade connector by the European Space Agency…

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Ultra-Low Loss Fiber Optic Connectors

DIAMOND SA is developing a process to manufacture ultra-low loss connectors. This process will utilize our state-of-the art Active Core Alignment

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Thermal Vacuum Chamber for aerospace applications

Due to the ever increasing demand for testing and qualification of fiber optic components in extremely harsh environments specifically for aerospace…

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Hearnessing Quantum Technology with Fiber Optics Expertise

At Diamond SA, we have been pioneers in the field of fiber optics for over 40 years. Now, we are taking our expertise to the quantum frontier. Our…

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Push-Pull Circular Connector

Deux entreprises innovantes et bien établies ont collaboré pour développer la version optique du connecteur circulaire push-pull Y-Circ® série P,…

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Fiber Optic Vacuum Feedthroughs

Diamond offers vacuum feedthrough (V-FT) solutions for a large range of optical fiber and adaptors. The V-FT integrates a standard 2.5mm ferrule…

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Making the Grade

The Diamond AVIM® family of connectors can be used in a wide variety of applications. These connectors provide exceptional resistance to shock and…

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Low-maintenance lensed interconnects

The Challenge
Harsh environment applications require rugged and reliable components able to withstand adverse conditions that standard commercial…

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Robust connectors with high-end optical performance

Fiber optics typically offers many advantages over conventional electrical and electronic systems, but often times a harsh environment can make the…

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Successful Space Requalification

Diamond is proud to announce that our Mini AVIM® connector has been requalified by the European Space Agency (esa) and confirmed “ESCC Qualification…

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Diamond on Mars

On February 18, 2021, the Perseverance rover landed on Mars. The rover’s main job is to seek signs of ancient life, as well as collect samples of rock…

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Enhanced High Power Fiber Optic Interconnects

Presently, we are enhancing and upgrading our existing series of Power Solution (PS) connectors. In the future, our PS connectors will withstand up to…

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Configure Your Custom Harsh Environment Interconnect

The modular DM4 multipurpose insert allows for configuration of each termini and can be assembled to meet your specifications. The DM4 Insert…

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Compactness And Flexibility Combined In One Interconnect

Diamond introduces the Compact DM4 to further ehnhance our line of reliable and versatile connectors. The Compact DM4 is built around a light and…

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Quality Is Not Happenstance

We can all agree that quality is of the utmost importance when working with fiber optics. In a transmission medium thinner than a human hair, where…

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Polarization Maintaining at Higher Optical Power

The continuous growth within the Photonics industry is amplified by the ever-increasing optical power directly generated by laser emitters. This…

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Expanded Beam Next Generation

The well-known Expanded Beam (X-Beam) connector is proven to be resistant to dirt, water and other harsh conditions. Now, Diamond is proud to…

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You can count on us

Whether you are facing travel restrictions, cancelled events, or just working from your home office, Diamond is here to support you. We are available…

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E-2000® - Well-Proven and Yet Innovative

The unsurpassed mechanical and optical interfaces of the E-2000® connector family is ideal for most standard applications.  The E-2000® connector…

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Diamond's PM measurement method recognized as IEC Standard

The use of polarization maintaining (PM) optical fiber has grown continuously in the last two decades. With the increasing number of applications, the…

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Optical / Electrical OEM Connector Insert

Outdoor and industrial conditions are typically much harsher than those endured by standard commercial connectors and cable assemblies. Harsh…

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Cleaning & Inspection

The fast-growing deployment of optical fiber in industrial, avionic, military and transportation applications are leading to the increasing use of…

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Intelligent, Efficient Et Pratique

Notre nouveau concept « Fibre to the Desk » (FTTD) amène la fibre optique directement à votre place de travail. Grâce à sa facilité d'utilisation, il…

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Solutions Interlock dans les environments hostiles

DIAMOND présente un nouveau connecteur à fibre optique HE-2000® fiable et performant avec un contact de contrôle de verrouillage intégré. Ceci est un…

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Système de fabrication de connecteurs sur le terrain

Êtes-vous à la recherche d'une solution fiable qui fournit une réparation rapide, facile et performante des connecteurs optiques et des câbles sur le…

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Interconnexions révolutionnaires sans entretien de fibres optiques

DIAMOND SA est ravi d'annoncer notre nouvelle série d'interconnexions de férules à lentilles à faisceau élargi (XB) pour renforcer encore notre large…

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Interconnexion miniature pour environnements difficiles

Né de l’Interface Miniature Diamond “DMI”, le Micro AVIM® est le plus petit connecteur complet offrant des performances de pointe dans des…

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Améliorez votre application en minimisant la perte d’insertion (IL)

La première fonction d’un connecteur est de fournir une faible perte de connexion entre les fibres optiques. Les connecteurs à hautes performance…

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La Révolution Des Lentilles

L'environnement difficile devient la norme

Diamond travaille dans le secteur commercial et dans le secteur des environnements difficiles depuis de…

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Solutions RFoG / RFoF fiables à faible perte d'insertion

Dans les réseaux RF sur fibre optique, les pertes d'insertion et de retour ont un impact énorme sur le rapport signal/bruit. Les solutions…

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DIAMOND fiber optic sensor sub–assemblies: precise and reliable

In the field of fiber optic sensing, connections that provide ultra-low loss, along with immunity to environmental disturbances, will enhance the…

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E-2000® PSm New Mating Adapter

Les lasers haute puissance utilisant des fibres multimodes nécessitent un connecteur à fibre optique à faible perte pour assurer des performances…

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